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When Wildfire Strikes
Weather-related disasters can strike anywhere at any time. Rapidly spreading wildfire is one of the most devastating to both the landscape and many homes and businesses in its path. While human activity is the cause of most wildfires, lightning-ignited fires consume the most acreage.
In 2013, the average lightning-ignited fire burned over 400 acres. This is nine times the average human-ignited wildfire, at 45 acres per incident. Due to record-breaking temperatures and arid land during summer months, the Pacific Northwest is at higher risk for lightening-ignited wildfires.
According to The National Interagency Fire Center, more than 8 million acres burned across the country in 2015. In Washington State alone, fire has consumed nearly a million acres of homes, trees and other structures causing thousands to evacuate homes and businesses.
Reduce the risk of fire at home and at work:
- Mow the lawn regularly
- Water plants, trees and mulch regularly
- Sign up to receive emergency alerts by text or email
- Clean roof and gutters regularly
- Create an emergency communications plan and discuss with employees/family members
Connect with any of us at Propel to learn more about protecting your home or business from the devastation caused by fire.